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Odpovídáte na příspěvek 'Re: ToÄŤená zmrzlina' |
Od: V3md4pj0 |
Vloženo: 28.12.2015 9:26:55 |
AHOJ LUBOS,your webside is great!!!I've been lniookg for the parena knedla recipe for some time now so I'm very happy that i found it since knedla is one of my all time favorite.The only thing is that here in Australia they don't have all purpouse flour and i'm not sure if plain flour will do.I did try to make german germ-knodell(german versoin of parene buchty)but the didn't rise and they tasted a bit yeasty anyway,i want make knedlo,vepro,zeli for the Easter and I would also love to try to make Philka's Rozki.soPhilka I am very interested in you rozki pastries!So if you'd like to write it for us,then please do.misha |
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